Nikkei Fuel Tanks

These are aluminium fuel tanks for trucks. Our lineup includes the following capacities: 150 L, 200 L, 250 L, 300 L, and 400 L. Alloy 5052 aluminium sheets are used in the main body. Built from an aluminium alloy with superior corrosion resistance, these tanks maintain a bright and clean appearance over a long lifetime.
Light and robust

Because these tanks are made of aluminium, they are lightweight compared to iron or stainless steel, thus helping to minimize the weight of the truck body. At the same time, their impressive strength will be sure to meet your safety needs.
Superior corrosion resistance
Use of an aluminium alloy ensures that these tanks do not rust easily like iron, and are not susceptible to corrosion from snow-melting agents on the road during winter, thus maintaining their clean and beautiful appearance over a long time.
- Railways
- Trucks
- Truck Gates
- Nikkei Fuel Tanks
- Nikkei System Floor Series
- Air Roll Systems
- Light Sliders
- Nikkei Aluminium Rear Doors
- Nikkei Lashing Rails / Beams / Belts
- Industrial Equipment
- Machinery / Communications / Electronics
- Social and Civil Infrastructure
- Food and Lifestyle Products
- Natural Energy
- Damping Materials for Construction
- Neutron-Absorbing Materials